At Preston DMV, we can assist you with your Minnesota license plates.

✔ License plates are required on most Minnesota vehicles
✔ Most Minnesota vehicles require two license plates: one in the front and one in the back
✔ License plates issued to passenger vehicles and dealers are replaced at seven year intervals
✔ License plates must be displayed horizontally with the numbers and letters facing out
✔ The month tab displays in the lower left and the yearly renewal tab displays in the lower right
✔ Preston DMV can assist with issuing new, duplicate and specialty license plates

✔ Standard License Plates
✔ Commercial License Plates
✔ Handicap License Plates
✔ Motorcycle License Plates
✔ Personalized License Plates
✔ Specialized Plates
Preston DMV can assist with new, duplicate and specialty plates.
Preston DMV
PO Box 342, Preston, MN 55965
Or stop in Monday through Friday from 8:30am-noon & 1:00pm – 5pm to renew in person.

Common Vehicle Plates and Fees
Specialized License Plates

License Plate/Sticker Fees:
- Filing Fee for each application: $12
- Special plates or transfer of special plates
- Duplicate plates, stickers or registration card
- 31 Day Non-Resident Permit
- Filing Fee with each registration renewal: $8
- Passenger Vehicle Plate Fee
- $15.50 Double Plates
- $13.50 Single Plate
- Trailers: $13.50 – $2.50 Life-Time Sticker
- Motorcycle/Moped Plate Fee: $13.50
- Truck Plate Fee
- $15.50 Double Plates
- $13.50 Single Plates
- 31 Day Non-Resident Permit: $1
Preston DMV
Auto and Driver License Bureau
201 Fillmore Street
Preston, MN 55965
Open Monday-Friday from 8:30am – 5pm
Closed 12:00-1pm